Insta Software I DON'T UNDERSTAND your review of our Insta products (July '95, page 61). We have introduced nine titles -- among them Insta Photographer, Insta Realtor, Insta Printer, Insta Contractor, and Insta Purchasing -- with unique solutions for Mac users. In five minutes, users can unwrap, install, and learn the program and produce their first estimate, invoice, delivery memo, or whatever form they want. And they never have to buy, type, make mistakes on, or misfile forms again. Certainly, at $19.95, these products are great values for Mac users. Our products are unique, easy to use (complete with online help), and affordable. Our products aren't "Byzantine" -- but they do help Mac users solve some Byzantine problems. Darhsiung J. Chang, President, Chang Labs / Producing a series of integrated $19.95 relational databases that attempt to be unique solutions for Mac users is indeed a noble effort. But the Insta interface is just too confusing and not very Mac-like. /SR